Monday 6 October 2008

Downloading goods and services

For this lesson we had to summerise the services and goods we had downloaded, the good & bad points of these and the reason to use it.

Products/ Services I have downloaded

iTunes Store
Music and videos from the iTunes store. I have downloaded music albums and a few films from the iTunes store. The reason to download from the iTunes store is that the service allows you to download the products straight to your iPod and also it allows you to browse the whole available library much quicker than you would be able to in a shop. Also the films are in the correct format to play on iPod.

Full PC Games
I have on occasion downloaded full PC games over the internet, one from the Steam service. (Half Life 2)
The reason to download the game this way is that it is more convenient than going to a store and also it means that you have no disk to get damaged or lost.
The service offered a quick download time and good customer service. Also the game was cheaper offered as a download as a pose to buying physical copy.

Anti – Virus Software
The anti virus software updates are among the most frequent of the downloaded goods. The need for frequent updates means that you could be downloading updates many times a day. This service is a fantastic addition to the industry as to update by a disk would mean a new disk every day and this would be time consuming and expensive. As it is now you may not even know you software is updating as it does it automatically.

The problems with these services could be slow download speeds, insecure payment methods or viruses.

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